Monday, 22 May 2017

So far....

I am currently in the process of crocheting a lifesize facehugger...I am still on the tail!  I will post updates and pucs as we go

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


So I attempted my first mini Facehugger yesterday..I must say not too shabby!! Next is the full size version!

Sunday, 14 May 2017


Here is my first attempt at a Xenomorph crochet...needs some more work but not bad if i say so myself! Next try....facehugger!!!

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Game of thrones cushion covers

Still a long way to go...want to do all the houses but getting there!

Friendship is magic

Some MLP's I made for my daughter...she use to be My .Little Pony mad


Rainbow dash

Princess Luna

Derpy Hooves

star wars

Here is a star wars blanket I made a while ago now for a friend.  loved making this one as I am a huge star wars fan

Harry potter blanket

I have also started a Harry Potter blanket again using the booble stitch,,I find this looks really good when finished

The first square is platform 9 3/4 this one turned out really well and was my first attempt at bobble stitch.

The second panel is the dark mark.  This one turned out great and i love the purple glittery yarn.

My next panel is going to e the main big one and the Hogwarts may take awhile so keep your eyes peeled.


Here are some squares of the start of my SUPERNATURAL  blanket.

Here is the iconic Impala.  i decided to not do the sky and clouds and just do the car and number plate.

This square is Castiel once again i have made changes and not included his wings i did 51 stitches across for popcorn/bobble.

This is dean Winchester.  I once again did 51 stitches across.

I will post more as and when i do them.

a few more crochet pokemon



Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, members (Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup) of the colony ship Covenant discover what they think to be an uncharted paradise. While there, they meet David (Michael Fassbender), the synthetic survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition. The mysterious world soon turns dark and dangerous when a hostile alien life-form forces the crew into a deadly fight for survival.

A good film but it did leave you feeling a little deflated at the end. It had the gore and jumps of the Alien films but it left so much un-answered...what happened to Shaw ( it shows a little but not the full extent)...why did the Architects make us then want to destroy us, things I thought would get answered in this film but didn't. Fassbender was amazing as David and Walter and after doing some research I found that the next film is about him and Shaw and what happened and should answer all of our questions re what he did to her and what and who the Architects are. Daniels was great and had a Ripley vibe about her the rest of the crew were ok but not really that memorable. The Neomorphs were terrifying but the biggest geek moment for me was when we saw that first iconic egg pod and the first facehugger as we have come to know them, and then that moment that makes an Alien move an Alien movie....the chest explosion and the head of the FIRST ever Xenomorph emerging.  The best moment for me was discovering the evolution and engineering of the Xenomorphs. The ending was a little Nostromo-esque and the shower scene was Alien and Aliens worthy of best Xenomorph moments. Overall was a good film would give it 4/5